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Mission to Sierra Leone is an unincorporated subsidiary of Genesis 12 Christian Fellowship Church. As a missional subsidiary, our vision is to be “community changers”. We envision infusing the villages of Kagbaneh and Katatina with love and labor that transforms the relational, educational, fitness, and spiritual quality of life in those communities. Our mission is to design and deliver projects and programming to underserved populations in Sierra Leone.




Mission to Sierra Leone has a faith-based background. As such, we cherish certain beliefs, which shape our vision, mission, and programmatic style. The primary values that help define and guide this Mission are:

  • We value the Bible as the inspired and authoritative Word of God

  • We value Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and His substitutionary death as the only solution for the redemption of humanity and eternal peace with God

  • We value the lifestyle of sharing God’s love and the gospel message with people from all walks of life

  • We value investing in communities which have a dearth of infrastructure and resources



Mission to Sierra Leone views itself as a caretaker of resources entrusted unto it. As a caretaker, we hold with a sacred trust and fidelity the management responsibility of funds and gifts. In an effort to maximize the gifts received and minimize any overhead that might detract from the efficiency of donations, Mission to Sierra Leone is staffed with professionals in Finance, Construction, and Project Management, who donate their time and expertise. There are a set of principles guiding the professional stewards who oversee our fiduciary duties.


Perhaps the weightiest guiding principle is accountability. In addition to non-profit oriented financial software that our Treasurer and Bookkeepers utilize; assessment and audit reporting is made to the umbrella organization (Genesis 12 CFC) at regular intervals. In addition, annual financial reports are published, disseminated weekly throughout the 1st quarter of every year; and available upon request thereafter. Last, as an expression of accountability, and specifically for the purposes of this Mission, our website ( communicates in both, narrative and photographic form, the past and present accomplishments that are only possible because of your charitable giving. The stewardship culture we have created points to transparency that makes our donors and those who invest in our mission relax in knowing the resources are handled with integrity and efficiency.

Disclosure: All donor and charitable gifts are fully tax-deductible. As an unincorporated subsidiary of a registered 501(c)3 (Genesis 12 Christian Fellowship Church), this Mission has cordial links to the financial structures and tax-exempt status of the Church. Therefore, all donations, while certainly earmarked, directed, and appropriated only to Mission To Sierra Leone purposes, flow through the tax-exempt channel of the Church, and as such, all receipts generated for tax purposes shall reflect accordingly.

To learn more about our foundation, supporting congregation, and leadership team, feel free to visit

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